Hollywood star Alexis Skyy was among the celebrities that attended the 2018 BET Awards on Sunday and she turned heads as she stormed the red carpet in revealing ensemble.
The 23-year-old reality star and babymama of rapper Fetty Wap went completely braless in a see-through Grayling Purnell sleeveless tunic dress which she paired with open-toed heels.
See More Photos Below.
![Image result for ALEXIS SKYY BET AWARDS]](https://alexis.lindaikejisblog.com/photos/shares/5b30c15226191.jpg)
![Image result for ALEXIS SKYY BET AWARDS]](https://scontent-lht6-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/f9c70ee5ca2eac83667213be211e9ba3/5BCA0BCA/t51.2885-15/e35/34563194_235402707054342_9100675202144010240_n.jpg)
![Image result for ALEXIS SKYY BET AWARDS]](https://pmchollywoodlife.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/alexis-sky-brittany-bet-awards-20181.jpg?w=1000)
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