Thursday, 11 January 2018


While many think breaking your penis is an urban legend, it can actually happen in real life.
Image result for sex postion that can break the pennnis
And apparently, there are certain positions that increase the likelihood of intimate breakage, according to research. Here’s what you need to know.
Can you really break a man’s penis during sex?
If you’re too vigorous in the bedroom department, you could face penis breakage.
This usually occurs when a man’s member slips out during sex and is violently bent.
Other intimate injuries can also occur — including the tearing of the foreskin.
Apologies if you’re crossing your legs right now.
What is a penile fracture?
Penile fracture is rupture of either one or both of the tunica albuginea (the membranes that cover the penis’s erectile tissue.)
It is caused by rapid blunt force to an erect penis.
This typically occurs during vaginal intercourse, or aggressive masturbation.
If you feel any pain after sex, it’s always important to visit a doctor.
In many cases, patients will leave their injuries untreated because of embarrassment, but you definitely shouldn’t if you want to overcome the problem.
Which positions are the most likely to cause penile fracture?
Doctors have revealed the top three most dangerous sexual positions for men – and it seems some of the most risky moves are the least “exotic.”
In a new study called the “relationship between sexual position and severity of penile fracture”, featured in the International Journal of Impotence Research, specialists analyzed which sex positions were the most dangerous for men.
Surprisingly, the study discovered that doggy style is the most dangerous – with 41 percent of cases of penile fracture occurring because of this position.
In at second was missionary, with the man on top, causing 25 percent of penile fractures – followed, in third place, by the woman on top.
The researchers also noted that doggy style sex and missionary could cause similarly serious penile fractures, while “breakages” caused by woman on top weren’t quite so severe.
They said: “We do not observe differences between the severity of the penile fracture between the ‘doggy style’ and ‘man-on-top’, but the ‘doggy style’ had more severity of penile fracture when compared with ‘woman-on-top’.”
Might be worth remembering next time you hit the sack…

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