I WANT TO TALK........

It is with great pain and regret that I (Ozioma Oguine(O.Z) a.k.a ALUTA PARROT) publish this circular and Call to Arms of all Nigerian Students in Nigeria both indigenous and in Diaspora, Private and Federal Scholars.
The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit, to choose our better
history, to carry forward that precious gift, those bold ideas passed on
by our predecessors. We may come from separate parents, homes, tribes and even schools but we are brothers and sisters when we fight together.
![Image result for images of aluta CONTINUA STUDENTS]](https://dailyfamily.ng/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/students-protesting.jpg)
Our Educational system has been thrown into shambles by our leaders and the powers that be...
Yes! they say "we are Leaders of Tomorrow" yet they have refused to ensure our educational safety and our fostered dreams. The Federal Government of this great nation has for weeks now been trying to reach an agreement with the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) of which till now they have failed to do and has unfortunately come to a deadlock / stand-still. Their inconsistency, unwillingness, carelessness and heartlessness has indelibly and irreversibly put our academics/education in a state of jeopardy and quagmire and has also led to the loss of some of our brothers and sisters. Their kids may not be suffering the same fate as us, so they don't know how it hurts to remain in school when your mates are graduating, to become brain-drained instead of becoming an Echelon of Knowledge, to lose brothers, sisters and children in incidents caused by this unsolicited and callous action.
![Image result for images of aluta CONTINUA STUDENTS]](https://yasserbooley.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/stereotype.jpg?w=604&h=801)
It is in one voice that we should all rise and speak out on all fronts and platforms to tell those political Juggernauts and the powers that be that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! If you are on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram, Snap-chat post today and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! NO MORE FAKE PROMISES AND UNREALIZABLE HOPES. WE WANT EDUCATION RESTRUCTURING...
Let us rise Great Nigerian students to defend our Unionism, cause it is what makes us strong in the face of adversaries. Come one, Come all !!
Please spread the word as it of serious importance to our future, development and self realization.

God Bless NACOSS UniAbuja Chapter !
God Bless University of Abuja!
God Bless the Greatest Nigerian Students !
God Bless Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Comrade Ozioma Oguine (Aluta Parrot)
NACOSS Assistant Secretary General (ASG), UniAbuja
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