Monday, 26 December 2016


Boxing Day (St Stephen's Day) falls on the 26th December, which of course is the day after Christmas Day.  In the UK this day is celebrated by watching (or playing) a little festive sport.  If Christmas Day is for the family, then Boxing Day is when the men go out and watch the big local derby football game.  You know you're back out with mates when the first thing they do is take the Mickey out of your new Christmas cardigan.

                                 Image result for images of boxing day

Image result for images of boxing day    Image result for images of boxing day            

Boxing Day Joke -  A Seat In the Stand?

Lance and Jimmy were fortunate in that they each had a season ticket to watch Manchester United.  However, they had a friend Eddie who would give is right arm for season ticket.  They could not help noticing that there was always a spare seat (L39) next to theirs.
One half-time Lance went to the ticket office and asked if they could by buy the season ticket for L39.  The club official said that unfortunately the seat had been sold.  Nevertheless, week after week the L39 was still empty.
Then on Boxing day, much to Lance and Jimmy's amazement the seat was taken for the first time that season.  Jimmy could not resist asking the newcomer, 'Where have you been all season'. 
'Don't ask he said, the wife bought the season ticket back last summer, and kept it for a surprise Christmas present.

Feel free to share some of your jokes with us as well !!
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