Friday, 11 September 2015


To be fair, it’s bordering on white. And as for the crazy comb-over and undercut combo, we’re not quite sure what to think.

The pop star debuted his new ‘do while performing live on NBC’s Today Show at Rockefeller Plaza in New York City, to the screams of hundreds of Beliebers.

The 21-year-old singer even sought approval from the crowd, asking, “You guys like the hair?”

Justin Bieber performs live on the  
Do blondes have more fun? Biebs thinks so. Source: Splash News Australia
Bieber had camped out for days and braved the overnight rain for the chance to see their idol, and they got more than they bargained for. Along with debuting his fresh tresses, Bieber performed five of his hit songs, including new single What Do You Mean.

In typical Biebs form, he also threw a mini tantrum on stage during the live broadcast. Upset that the cameras were getting up in his grill while he was trying to bust out his best moves, he said: “The camera’s here the whole time, might as well not even dance. What do I do this for if they’re just gonna ...”

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